He is a energetic little thing but can be quite lazy as well, he likes to sleep… just like a man! He and RJ are becoming good pals, I try to keep him from chewing on everything in sight but its hard to do. We have also moved since my last post, there was a lot of craziness going on at the old place and we decided that it was time to move on, so we moved back to Preserve Crossing, the community we lived in before we moved to Atlanta, GA. We really like it here, it has a HUGE fitness center (OM Fitness), the Goat (Community Bar & restaurant) and an enormous pool. We really enjoy it here, our place has hardwood floors, and nice appliances as well as great lighting. The snow removal was excellent as it always was here.
I try to keep in contact with family and friends, I am usually on Facebook since I am not working. Speaking of work, Nick got his training date for PSA Airlines, he starts training this coming Monday, he was going to start last year but my face blew up as we all know so he stayed with me. Aviation is in his blood, he eats, drinks, sleeps, and dreams aviation. He has loved airplanes since he was a child and I know that whatever he does when it comes to airlines is something he is passionate about. If there is a fact to be known about an airline or aircraft he will likely be able to tell you. I am so excited for him, and for us. When he graduates at the end of March, I will have flight bennies back and that means that I can travel with him on trips and stay at the hotel with him overnight. I do miss flying but my education is my number one priority right now. I am going to school online so I will be able to go places with him when he travels and still be able to do class work either on the plane, in the airport or at the hotel! Yay ME!!
There is not much else that is new to report, but I will definitely try to keep up with this more now that I have less work time. Please feel free to click one of the sponsor links, each click gets me MONEY!! The blog is monetized meaning that I get money each time someone clicks a link out of my blog.
Take care and God Bless each and every one of you!
Thanks for stopping by.
Brian J.