Thursday, August 27, 2009

Update Update


Ok so I went to the doctor yesterday and he would not clear me to go to work yet. I am not allowed to return to working until September 14, this is going to seem like an eternity. I have posted a video of me draining the fluid from my face on, its pretty neat. I have never really posted much online with YouTube but I did and I was playing with the annotations and then found the music tab and was searching for a song to add to it and finally gave up and chose the Feeling Lucky link and it is hysterical to me what it chose and how well it goes along with the actions in the video this is a must watch!!!

I was also advised by my surgeon/doctor to take hot showers and work out the infection little by little so that is where I got the idea for the video. I played with PhotoShop CS4 and worked with my picture that I posted last time and found that it comes out a lot better if photoshopped ( I think that is a word, if not it is now! :P) Here are the images I have uploaded to my facebook

Me Post Op


Me Lookin’ Beautiful


A little blurry but closer up


Even Closer


The Closest anyone is gonna get to my incision!


Pretty funky huh? Well this is what happens when shit happens….I am just so happy that things are improving I feel a million and one times better than I have for a long time. I have been contemplating while I have the spare time about creating a website, maybe about Pickles and I just something else for me to have online since I am just an online kinda guy.


Also if you know of anyone who needs any computer work done please do not hesitate to have them contact me either email me or get in touch with me and I will call them. I definitely need to make some money and I know that I can do it with computer work. I know a lot and can fix most any problem and I am pretty cheap and flexible. I can also teach people how to use most programs and I am great at setting up networks.

Well kids that is all I have time for now leave me comments or follow me on Facebook!

Talk to you all soon!!

Love and Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes

Brian J.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A whole lotta Pain…

First I want to take a moment to thank everyone who showed me such great kindness and caring in my time of need over the past week or so. In addition to thank the AMAZING Staff at the Dublin Methodist Hospital who without their kindness, generosity, knowledge, and hard work I would most certainly not be living today!  Thanks again.

Also Thanks to my family and friends that were there by my side through it all, Thanks, Pickles, Mom Dad, Sissy Shawn, Grandma, Teri, Brittany,  Haylee, and a SPECIAL thanks to Beth and Melissa the only 2 True Blue friends that made any honest effort to come and see me Thanks again for the Flowers Mel and thanks for trying to keep the humor there Beth!

Well as I have promised, I am posting a blog about my most recent experience in the hospital.  For those of you who follow you all know of my dental drama, generally caused by Dental Works”STAY AWAY” and fixed by a prescription.

So for about two weeks from 7/27-8/08 I was in minor discomfort, I could feel a slight pain in my mouth like I needed to get my wisdom tooth removed, so as usual I did not have the money or insurance so I was Doctoring it along as best I could with Aleve and Advil, usually working pretty well.  Well on August 8 I began to feel a little more pain in the evening and just took a little more pain killer and went on with my night, I had my two girls spending the night, so Uncle Brian needs to be mobile. By the time they left on Sunday night my mouth was beginning to really hurt and on Monday we decided to go to Dublin Methodist Hospital to have it looked at. It was reviewed and discussed and it was a dental abscess and needed removed, they prescribed me Penicillin and Vicodin for pain.

I got the scripts filled IMMEDIATELY and began taking them, on Tuesday I began to notice my mouth was swelling and it was getting hard to open my jaw to eat, I had an appointment scheduled for the following Monday with an Oral Surgeon however they said that they would not be able to work me in any earlier. Finally after nibbling on foods and malnourishing myself for 2 days I was tired of it and I contacted the Oral Surgeon to see about an earlier appointment and there was nothing open, they advised me to call my dentist(DentalJerks) HAHA and ask for a new script, they said to just have them call the surgeon if there was a problem. DentalJerks refused and cited every law, rule and reason not to do anything without me coming in for a paid consultation. So I told Nick that we needed to go to the Hospital. Within 5 minutes of arrival I was taken back to the back room and seen by a doctor who then ordered a CT Scan and blood work.

Within an hour and a half the decision had been made that I was to be admitted. I discovered a new favorite pain killer Dilaudid I received it for the first time via IV and it was nice, within 10 seconds of the injection all you feel is warm and pain free. On Thursday night the doctor on duty was in and informed me that there would be a few doctors in to see me the next morning, I woke up the following morning to the usual vital check then blood work and then off to another CT scan, I would have one every day for 3 days. The CT scan showed a lot of enlarged tissue but no puss buildup, so that is where the fears began for the doctors, I was supposed to see an Oral Surgeon however they were all out on vacation for the weekend so I had and ENT come to care for me and I was amazed with his care and knowledge, he was an excellent choice. He quickly made the decision to pull the tooth the following morning and we would go from there. As usual I was not allowed to have anything from 8 hours before the surgery so I made sure that I had my pudding and Jell-O cups at the last minute as well as my last drink. I was on IV pain killers only which was OK because that meant Dilaudid again  WOO HOO!!! By this time I am on 2 antibiotics, a steroid, and 2 pain killers, I am one happy ass guy. On Saturday we got a little late start on the surgery and it was relatively eventless and quick. When the Anesthesiologist came in he was very concerned for my breathing with the swelling that I had going on and was talking about a drug called Ketamine to sedate me. Ketamine is a strong sedative drug and is very similar to LSD, I was alert during the procedure however I have NO memory for the events of the surgery and the events following it. I was in recovery in my room within 30 minutes. Here is a video from when I came to:

So as time went on I began to try to eat stuff once allowed and I was doing pretty well, I had some swelling still, and the doctor was planning on going in on Monday to relieve some of the pressure and swelling however on Sunday my temperature spiked up severely, and I was swelling like a balloon, I did not look like myself. All I could do is cry from the pain and pain killers did nothing. At this point the nurse contacted my surgeon who immediately began assembling a surgery team and got me prepped for surgery, I was out and do not really remember much of the transfer to the OR except for signing the consent form. I found myself waking up wondering where I was, I felt like I was back in time in a 80’s sci fi movie, with all the life support gadgets and gizmos. I was even on a bed chiller at one point to attempt to bring my temp down into the reasonable range.


This is Post OP 2

There was discussion of transferring me to Riverside but all the Doctors and burses that were working on me did not want to let me leave they all liked me too much. I was a part of the E-ICU where they have a Webcam monitor with a live feed to the Riverside Hospital ICU to monitor me as well, I thought that was a pretty cool idea. My Temp finally broke and I was beginning to turn the corner, at first from the cultures of the fluid that they extracted in surgery they thought I had MRSA and I was PANICED I thought OMG how did I get that I am clean, I shower at least once a day, I wash everything. We was all at a loss but Nick and my mom was also required to use universal precautions which meant a suit to cover their clothes, shoes and gloves. It was later discovered that it was not but it was a good precaution to take anyway.  I was on 3 Antibiotics now and lord only knows how many pain killers at once but I was still feeling pretty well. Later on in the day I finally got my mask off and was placed on oxygen for a few. The recovery is slow but I am working on it, while this blog is not all of the events of my hospital visit it is the major points in it. I will post more later when it comes to me but I wanted to get the main points out there! 


Nothing but Love

Brian J

Sunday, August 02, 2009


I was watching a movie tonight on the LOGO Network, and from the storyline I began to think about things that have happened to me in my life. There are things that have happened to me that have shaped who I am and driven my values and my thinking. I am who I am and that will never change, I am here and no matter what anyone does to me I will still be here and remain the same person.

One memory that I have is when I was a teen I worked with a guy and I found him attractive. Somehow he found out and while I was in school he would say rude, derogatory comments to me in passing in the corridors, and he even went as far as to approach me while I was working somewhere else and physically attack me. I was shocked, I did not retaliate, I was bleeding and I can still remember what he said and how he did it to this day. Russ you are forgiven for your ignorance and your poor judgment, I hope that one day you will realize that you are just a person, nothing extraordinary and what you did was wrong, however even if you do not I FORGIVE YOU.

Then there was the teacher who made a comment that made me feel like less of a person, I was in High School and I was beginning to come out to people about who I am. I was asked by a teacher that I respected if I was gay, I reluctantly said no, to which his comment was OK because I had heard that you are and I just wanted to make sure I didn’t bend over with you around if you were. Mr. Teacher, you are forgiven, you have given me a lesson that I will never forget, people come from different generations, different life paths and different religions/family values. Some people will make a comment that is inappropriate and insensitive because they think that it is OK and acceptable when it is not. Their ignorance toward others, their lives and who they are can be degrading and disrespectful however they do not know any better once again, I FORGIVE YOU.

I am sure that there are more incidents that have happened but these seem to stick out in my mind.
When someone in your life gives you a chance to be a part of their life, do not shut them out, do not degrade them or tell them they are a bad person. Just understand that they have a different path for their life, it might be a way of good fortune, and it might be a way of misfortune, but they will make it as they feel is right based upon their circumstances, beliefs and values. We need to respect our friends, family members and neighbors lives and embrace the opportunity that we are given each day when we wake up, because every day is a new day, and we can make of it what we wish but it is up to us to control it as best we can. I am sure that there are many people that I have done wrong to in my life and I sincerely apologize for what I have done, I am sure that some of it I did without knowing that I was doing it and some I did out of carelessness, all I can ask is that you forgive me as I will forgive you.

Best Wishes Friends

Brian J.