So What's New?
Well as you can see it has been since my birthday since I posted anything last and this is my first real post on here since I signed up, so there is a great deal of catching up to do.
First of all we are settled in our place the holidays were a little rough but we made it through and we are doing ok, I still have the Toy that I got in November, jobs are a lot harder to come by so I had to suck it up and take a job with Insight Communications for a few to make ends meet and that is now over I mainly did it because of the starting pay of $730.50 a week but the weather sucked and with the economy being in the crapper the job was a lot harder than it had to be. I made like 3 sales on my own and then one of them rolled back. I would have gotten 6 but 3 rolled back immediately because of stuff beyond my control.
I interviewed for Tee Jays Country Place Restaurant and I was not thrilled by that at all, but if I was offered the job I was going to take it because there is not much out there for work. I got a call from a Arby's Franchisee and was offered a job as a manager for a brand new restaurant and I took it, because I know the product and I was excited about the opportunity for a new store and new stuff, so far things are going pretty well although I cannot understand how I am supposed to be the AGM and I am not included in conversations that impact the operation of the restaurant that I am jointly responsible for, I really want one of my superstar crew members Ashley to be promoted into management however nobody seems willing to include me in the conversation. I am a little upset with the situation; anyone who knows me knows that I give my 100% to my job and then some. I am always looking for a way to improve a process or to help create excitement in the position or job. I am just boggled on how I can be excluded from things that totally impact me and the role of my job. Moving on.. I really do like my job and I hope to grow with the company I just have to get past this minor stepping stone and barrier.
Pickles has been having a rough time finding gainful employment and I know it is frustrating him greatly. I sit and think about the economy and how things are and just wonder how things will be 3 months 6 months and one year from now. Something has to improve, I know that things have to get worse before they can get better but how much worse can they get? My mom got laid off from her job and cannot find work, unemployment is only $225 a week and that is nothing but because my dad makes decent money working for the county they cannot get any extra help, my mom’s COBRA insurance premium is $190 a month and I just feel so bad because I know that she has bills on top of that and I wish there was more that I could do to help her but I only make $500 a week which is well below what I am accustomed to making but a job is a job and they are hard to come by these days. Sometimes I just wonder how the big man thinks that we will be ok and that the menial pay that people receive will help them make ends meet.
There is so much craziness that you hear about in the news everyday and I just wonder how much more of it is being caused by the current situation our country is in. I know that problems will not and cannot go away over night but we need some sort of solution, we need our government to get it together and work for the people who put them there, let business work on business and work for the people. I really do not know what we can do to unbury ourselves from this mess but we need to do something. It seems as though before long we will no longer own our country it will belong to all the other countries that we keep borrowing from and we cannot get things together.
We need a reform that starts from scratch, that does not include big business and we need to end the corporate greed, I mean really who needs to make millions a year and then get bonuses and stock options and private jets? This is ridiculous we need to move toward being more humble and spread the wealth, I mean really look at it, the people who make the companies work make so little while the schleps at the top sit and bask in the wealth, I mean don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with someone being wealthy but I feel we need a more even spreading of the profits. We need to make it so that people can live off of what they take home as a net pay, so people do not have to depend on government aid forever, Government aid is good for helping those in need and for a fixed period of time but not helping till the end of time.
I am sure that at this point I sound like some political machine spewing out a bunch of rhetoric but it is how I feel it is my values and it is what I believe in. I believe in a country where people can enjoy life we can have family’s that can build on family values whether it is a hetero or homosexual couple. If we could just get the rest of the world to join in and get the corporate leaders to show some moral value and show that they are not just about themselves and money we can get there however I doubt that I will see it in my lifetime.
Another thought that I ponder is how things can be so much harder today than they were years ago, we have so many things that are supposed to make life easier, we have coffee makers with intelligence that will brew when we want them to, we can call people from nearly anywhere and we can communicate in an instant with things like email and instant messaging and text messaging but life is harder and we get less done in a day, is it that we have become lazier? Or is it that everyone wants things now and instant gratification? Businesses are more customer conscious now I feel that things are more geared to customer satisfaction than ever before, you almost cannot go anywhere and not have someone with some sort of satisfaction measurement process in place but we want more. How much more can we do, have we as consumers become too greedy? Are we wanting too much from that high school kid making our fries or the clerk at the supermarket? After being in customer service and management I constantly find myself evaluating the service I receive and the product quality like I am some sort of "expert" or "connoisseur of service and quality" We need to get back to the basics and start there. We need to be humble again and be thankful for what we do receive and what we do have, not what we think we deserve or we think things should be, I mean it is good to have standards but I feel that we sometimes set them too high and sometimes out of reach.
I know that I keep going on and on and on like the energizer bunny and most people will not read all of this but it is just things that I think about and things that I want to say so here is my soap box and this is my forum to present my ideas. Whether you agree or disagree it is not for me to judge, as you too have your own goals, ambitions and values that might differ from my own but I feel that I speak for most people that have little and try to make the best of life.
Best Wishes for a better tomorrow!
Your Friend
P.S. Please feel free to comment on the above statements I love to hear feedback and sorry if things jump around but it is just thoughts flowing from my head at that moment!
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