Friday, September 18, 2009

The Video without the Music....

Sorry if this post runs a little long but I wanted to include the whole chat script.....Here is the video without the music... please feel free to read below for more info on the situation. Here is more info that I remembered today while chatting with others on POPTHATZIT.COM where my video is currently featured......

·         Innaffitoften :everyone would LOVE to hear it

·         profderien : did you have nightmares from ketamine?

·         Innaffitoften : brian, did you write all of this in the comments section?

·         CystFace : yay

·         Innaffitoften : yeah, Cy, we are now buds

·         brian12881 : prof how did u find the video?

·         brian12881 : I didnt remember a thing after being on the OR table till 2 1 hour after the surgery

·         profderien : blahblah, sorry!

·         profderien : and used to treat crps/rsd

·         profderien : ketamine is also a form of anesthesia

·         Innaffitoften : hang on, let me look in my old mail

·         brian12881 : I felt special alright

·         Innaffitoften : Cy, your name doesn't come up when I do a search

·         brian12881 : yep sch

·         brian12881 : yeah

·         schmegmie : also know as "special k"

·         profderien : just ask, and people will hit the ads

·         schmegmie : ketamine is horse tranq.

·         brian12881 : 56 hits so far today but unfortunately no hits on my ads on there I have adsense and google pays for every ad click on there

·         brian12881 : the stuff was so bad they could not use anesthesia they had to drug me with Ketamine (like LSD) while in surgery because they was afraid of losing my airway
·         CystFace : why icu?
·         Innaffitoften : brian why?

·         profderien : hi, brian. i bet you've gotten some blog hits coming from here!

·         brian12881 : I was in E-ICU they had another hospital watching me while I was in there by webcam

·         brian12881 : yeah I have no memory of what I was on but it worked

·         CystFace : Brian, I wore a pump for 28 days in a fanny pack pumping oxicillan into me aster my knee had MRSA. I hear ya!!

·         brian12881 : 6

·         brian12881 : and of course percocet helped with the pain

·         Innaffitoften : how many days in the hospital?

·         Innaffitoften : good, god

·         brian12881 : then augmentin for 28 days after discharge
·         Innaffitoften : mine were dry socets after I got mine done, and that hurt, I can't even imagine!

·         brian12881 : then some others in the hsp

·         brian12881 : well I was on penicillin for 4 days before being admitted

·         Innaffitoften : for how long?

·         Innaffitoften : now that I said it it's not lol

·         brian12881 : I think I was on every antibiotic known to man

·         brian12881 : even after the tooth extraction the infection got worse they thought it was MRSA at one point
·         Innaffitoften : oh my god!

·         brian12881 : it was an abscessed wisdom tooth

·         Innaffitoften : OH MAN! I just had to look at the pic to remember! What was it!!!????

·         CystFace : and it kept draining

·         brian12881 : the surgeon did the incision

·         schmegmie : shit thats a high bp

·         brian12881 : there are good pics on my blog too I think he linked

·         CystFace : how did you get that cut?

·         Innaffitoften : ouch!, stay, I wanna hear about this, but I watched b4 coffee this morning

·         brian12881 : but they did the surgery b/c it was looking like I had 2 heads it was really swollen

·         CystFace : me too

·         Innaffitoften : let me go watch it again really quick, brb

·         brian12881 : hello

·         brian12881 : yeah I was in the hospital temp went to 104.6 and bp was like 185/124

·         Innaffitoften : yah

·         Innaffitoften : tah, the music was LOUD

·         CystFace : Hi Brian
·         brian12881 : some ppl complained about the music but youtube picked it and I thought it went well with the actions in the video
·         brian12881 : I reposted it with sound

·         Innaffitoften : well hey brian good job

·         brian12881 : it was rough going through all of it but I originally made the video for family and friends to see what it looked like

·         brian12881 : my video is the second one on the homepage right now, someone else found it and posted it

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